Who to contact when

If you have a question or concern, or you simply want to share some good news with us, we’re always happy to hear from you. However, it’s important to make sure you’re contacting the right person, so we can help you as efficiently as possible. Please see the protocol below for details about who to contact in a specific situation.

If you have a complaint or a concern that you wish to raise with the school, please refer to our complaints policy under the policies section of our website Policies.

Emails should be addressed to [email protected]. Please include your child’s name, form and who it is for the attention of in the title of the email, for example: Joe Smith 7RG – FAO Finance department. You can also email individual members of teaching staff here.

Telephone calls should come through to the office on 020 8365 4110 and will be directed as required.

Office hours are 8am-5pm Monday-Friday

Postal correspondence should be addressed to the appropriate member of staff. You can find our upper and lower school addresses here.

The following protocol sets out who you should contact in the first instance:


  • Reporting your child late, absent or unwell
  • Changes to your contact details
  • Enquiries about events, dates or trips
  • Requests for replacement forms

Form tutor

  • General questions or concerns about progress or wellbeing
  • Friendship or social issues
  • Requests for absence for medical appointments (in writing)

These may be followed up by the head of year if necessary.

Finance department

  • ParentPay queries
  • Parent Contribution Scheme
  • Free school meals
  • Uniform vouchers

Subject teacher

  • Specific questions or concerns about attainment or progress
  • Information about exams or curriculum

These may be followed up by the head of department if necessary.


  • Book loans
  • Reading lists
  • Volunteer reading scheme

Headteacher and assistant headteachers

Requests for absence during term time should be made in writing to Miss Harrison. These may be authorised in exceptional circumstances such as a funeral, close family wedding or religious observance, but only at Miss Harrison’s discretion.

Issues or concerns which have reached heads of year or heads of departments may be followed up by the relevant assistant headteacher where necessary.