
We are not currently recruiting any governors however we always welcome expressions of interest from people who may be interested in becoming a governor in the near future as we do regularly appoint new governors. We also welcome hearing from people who have specific expertise in an area relevant to running a school (e.g. education, health & safety, fundraising etc) and are interested in joining a sub-committee of the Governing Board as an Associate Governor. To express an interest in either position please email our Chair of Governors Claire Straus at [email protected]

What do governors do?

Governors hold the school to account, acting as a supportively critical friend. We don’t have any input into the day to day running of the school (such as curriculum, homework or school trips). However, we work closely with the headteacher and other senior leaders to offer strategic oversight in order to improve both pastoral and academic outcomes.

Examples of governor responsibilities include: monitoring the school’s budget to make sure public funds are spent correctly; reviewing school policies, statements and interventions; offering strategic input into the School Development Plan, and scrutinising and discussing internal and external data. Overall, our role is a strategic one, supporting and challenging the school in delivering the very best education for our students.

What skills would I need?

We are looking to recruit people with enthusiasm and commitment who are willing to get to know the school, and are passionate about improving education for young people. They will be  prepared to actively contribute to the work of the team. We are particularly keen to attract people with skills or experience in:

  • finance
  • HR/legal
  • facilities management
  • the education sector
  • strategic communications
  • social, community or youth service

What kind of people would you be looking for?

Anyone in the school and wider community with relevant skills, the time required to do a good job and a commitment to the school’s founding vision. We are committed to equality and diversity and are looking for candidates from a wide range of backgrounds so we can reflect and represent the community that we serve.

Do I need certain qualifications?

No, none. If you become a governor, we will organise a safeguarding background DBS check and any other relevant training, but there is no cost to you.

How much time will it take?

We estimate that the role will take up the equivalent of around 2-3 days a month, and can be mainly done on a flexible basis. You will be asked to join at least one of our committees, such as Pastoral and Wellbeing, Finance or Resources, and attend any relevant training sessions. Fixed responsibilities across each academic year include seven full governing board meetings (lasting around two hours each, held in the evenings), and around six committee meetings. The rest of the work, such as reading papers for meetings or reviewing committee policies,
can be fitted in around the rest of your life

What will I get out of it?

You’ll be helping to shape the future of hundreds of young people in the local community. People become governors for many reasons, including: the desire to feel part of something that can make a real difference to children and young people; professional development; to gain knowledge of the education sector, and a wish to work with people from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Our current governing team would certainly agree that they have gained a great deal from the experience.

Is it paid?

No. School governance is the largest voluntary group in the UK. The role is unpaid, but the board is able to reimburse reasonable childcare costs and travel expenses in specific circumstances.

Archer Academy Recruitment Brochure (PDF)