Head Teacher Update – 23 February 2024

Dear all,

I hope that all Archer families had a lovely half term.

Across the week we have focused on kindness through our ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ week. I have long believed that Maya Angelou, author and poet, hit the nail on the head when she said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Our focus on kindness has provided a timely reminder that how we interact with others on a daily basis is one of the most important things we do. It does not matter who we are, how we treat others is one of the defining features of kindness. I hope those random acts of kindness may have landed in some Archer homes.

You will be aware that the government has introduced new guidance to schools regarding mobile phones. Please note that our restrictions and expectations surrounding mobile phones remain unchanged, smart phones are banned and whilst students may carry a basic model mobile phone (brick phone) these must be tuned off and not used during the school day. Our rules have been in place since 2015 and have been incredibly impactful in keeping our students safe and reducing any unnecessary distractions to learning.

Parents are asked to support their young person in making good choices here. The spotlight shines on Year 8 next week as the year group prepare to make their curriculum choices. I look forward to meeting all parents and students on Wednesday evening.

With my very best wishes,
Miss Harrison