Head Teacher Update – 9 Feb 2024

Dear all,

Our Yr11 and Yr9 prefect teams have led a superb ‘Think Pink Day’ today. A range of bake sales and workshops have taken place to raise the profile of the many different and terrifying international conflicts in our current world and the devasting impact this has on communities. The day has supported fundraising for UNICEF and enabled a real opportunity for students to feel that they are making a positive difference.

It was wonderful to see Year 9 parents, alongside students, at Year 9 Choices Evening on Wednesday. It is clear that students are relishing the depth and breadth of curriculum choice available to them, alongside the agony of decision making! We look forward to next steps here, alongside Year 8 beginning their choices process after Half Term.

We will be leading a ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ Week across the Wc19th February, linking to the national day taking place on the 17th February. The aim of this work is to act as a reminder of the small gestures of kindness that have the power to change the world. The hope being that by spreading love and positivity, we can create a more compassionate and caring society. We will be asking all staff and students to perform random acts of kindness and inspire others to do the same. We hope that we can make our community a better place, one act of kindness at a time, putting the spotlight on our central school rule of ‘Word hard and be nice to people’.

Archer Accelerate runs across Monday to Wednesday next week for Yr11, with a rich range of revision workshops. The sign up looks excellent and is further testament to how hard students are working. I wish all Archer families a lovely Half Term.

With my very best wishes,

Miss Harrison Headteacher

Thought for the week:

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves” William Shakespeare