The Archer Academy is an urban campus school, with a lower school and sports facilities at Stanley Road and an upper school at Beaumont Close. The sports facilities at Stanley Road have been supported by a £500,000 grant from the London Marathon Charitable Trust.
Each campus is equipped with teaching facilities that its students need for their day to day lessons. So travel between the two campuses is kept to a minimum; the main exception being that students based at Beaumont Close will travel to Stanley Road for PE lessons.
Community use of the facilities
We are committed to ensuring that the wider community benefits from the investment that has been made into our school. So the 3G pitch and other outside areas, sports hall, dining room, dance studio, music rooms and some classrooms are available for hire outside of school hours.
Bookings are managed by Schools Plus, who run facilities at 80 schools across the UK. The indoor spaces are available between 6 and 10pm on weekdays and all day at the weekend; outdoor spaces between 6 and 9pm during the week and for up to five hours at the weekend.
Sports teams and clubs, smaller groups, families and individuals are all welcome to hire the facilities, whether for regular sports and social activities or one-off events such as weddings and parties. If you’re interested in making a booking or finding out what activities are already available, please click the relevant link below.