
The members of our governing board offer support and challenge to the school leadership team, through regular board meetings and the following committees and working parties:

  • Education and Standards Committee (Chair, Ben Whittaker)
  • Finance and Audit Committee (Chair, Tony Brown)
  • Fundraising and Business Development Committee (Chair, Natalia Cid Garcia)
  • Head Teacher Performance Management Review Working Party (Chair, Claire Straus)
  • Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee (Chair, Jo Moses)
  • Resources Committee (Chair, Lauren Higginson)
  • Communications Working Party (Chair, Melinda Athinodorou)
  • Pay Committee (Chair, Gail Miflin)


Claire Straus

Chair Of Governors (elected as Chair by FGB in July 2023)

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2023)

Chair Headteacher Performance Management Panel

Communications Working Party

Pastoral & Wellbeing Committee

Pay Committee

Natalia Cid Garcia

Vice Chair of Governors (elected in July 2023 by FGB)

Chair of Fundraising and Business Development

Link Governor CPA and Community

Finance and Audit Committee, Headteacher Performance Management Panel, Communications Working Party

Gail Miflin

Parent Governor (appointment ratified by FGB June 2022)
Link Governor Thematic Learning
Chair of Pay Committee

Tony Brown

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB July 2023)
Chair of Finance and Audit Committee
Link Governor Maths

Katy Whitney

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB July 2023)
Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee
Pupil Premium Link Governor
Deputy Safeguarding Link Governor

Arianne Heinrichs

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB July 2023)

Education and Standards Committee, Pay Committee

Link Governor Science

Chris Stimpson

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB July 2023)

Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee, Fundraising and Business Development Committee

Link Governor English

Kevin Matthews

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB July 2023)
Finance and Audit Committee
Pay Committee
Resources Committee
Link Governor PE

Melinda Athinodorou

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor Geography, Education & Standards Committee, Chair Communications Working Group

Lucy Harrison

Headteacher and Accounting Officer from 1st September 2015

Jo Moses

Chair of Pastoral and Wellbeing

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in July 2017)

Safeguarding Link Governor

Ben Whittaker

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in July 2017)

Vice Chair of Governors (elected in July 2021 by FGB)

Chair, Education and Standards Committee, Resources Committee, Headteachers Performance Management Panel

Link Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Karen Gubbay

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor SEND

Pastoral & Wellbeing Committee

Lauren Higginson

Chair of Resources

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor ADT

Clare Raff

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)
Link Governor Careers and Post 16, Education and Standards Committee
Link Governor Coordinator

Greg Ruback

Parent Governor (appointment ratified by FGB November 2023)

Resources Committee, Vocational Link Governor

Associate Governors

Simon Rose

Associate Governor for Finance and Audit Committee (commenced March 2024)

Tricia Young

Associate Governor for Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee (commenced January 2024)

Oliver Kane

Associate Governor for Resources Committee (commenced July 2023)

Natalie Machta-Joseph

Associate Governor for Fundraising and Business Development (commenced January 2020)

Gary Bilkus

Associate Governor for Resources Committee (commenced September 2017)

Governors' attendance at Full Governing Board meetings
Governors who stepped down in 2023

David Adams

Chair of Governors (elected as Chair of Governors by FGB in Sept 2019)
Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Maths Link Governor
Trust Member (Sept 2019)

John Arvanitis

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Resources Committee, Finance and Audit Committee

Ben Overlander

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Resources Committee

Chair Pay Committee

Katie Wiseman

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Chair, Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee

Governor Creative & Performing Arts

Catherine Winter

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Education & Standards Committee, Finance & Audit Committee, Humanities Link Governor

Jaqueline Ochong

Community Governor  (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020) 

Chair, Finance & Audit Committee

MFL Link Governor

Governors who stepped down in 2022

Judith Vandervelde

Staff Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2018)

Education & Standards

Srikannt Ragvani

Tahirah De Aguiar Chaves