This has been a particularly exciting summer for us, in which we were graded outstanding in all areas by Ofsted. And today’s results are another great moment in the development of our school.
We are delighted by the excellent results secured by our students and so proud of the achievement of each and every student.
- Students achieving 4+ in English and Maths: 77%
- Students achieving 5+ in English and Maths: 59%
- Students achieving 5 or more GCSEs (inc English and Maths) at 5+: 58%
- Students achieving 5 or more GCSEs (inc English and Maths) at 4+: 75%
- 36% of all grades awarded at 7 to 9
- 25% of students achieved at least 8 GCSEs at grade 7+
Whatever their starting points, our students have worked incredibly hard, and thoroughly deserve their success. We set them ambitious individual targets and they have risen to the challenge. Today’s results are a clear illustration of what happens when superb teachers deliver an inspiring curriculum to a diligent group of students.
The progress our students have made as a group is well above national expectations, and their attainment puts us once again among the UK’s best state schools. Our provisional Progress 8 score looks set to once again be very high and above national averages.
Overall, 36% of grades were achieved at Grade 7-9. The familiar benchmark figure of the number of students achieving 5 or more GCSEs, including English and Maths, is 77% at Grade 4 and above and represents excellent achievement across the cohort.
Whilst performance across the board is excellent it is important to mark out a range of exceptional achievement in Art (50% of students achieved Grade 9), Computer Science (25% Grade 9), Chemistry (62% Grade 7-9) and Biology (60% Grade 7-9).
Schayan, Devi and Nickan are all looking forward to heading off to Woodhouse after securing a suite of the top grades.
Schayan Yeganeh (4 Grade 9s, 3 Grade 8s, 2 Grade 7s, 1 Grade 6 and A* Further Maths)
Schayan: I am really pleased and I just don’t know what to say! School helped me so much, being reminded that working hard would pay off, all the after school sessions and masterclasses – and the top tips before exams. The teachers always pushed and supported me, ensuring they got my best. I am looking forward to studying Economics, Business and Politics at Woodhouse College.
Nickan Tousi (3 Grade 9s, 6 Grade 8s, 1 Grade 7, A* Further Maths)
Nickan: I am delighted! Thank you to all my teachers.
We are so proud of our students, and would like to thank them and their supportive parents for working together to make it possible. Also, our fantastic team of teachers who have done everything they can to support them academically, as well as inspiring them to give it their all, keeping them going and helping them stay calm throughout.
We are delighted that the vast majority of our students have secured their first choice of 6th form courses and this will see most transition to Woodhouse College for A Level study; with many others moving onto Barnet and Southgate College. Other destinations include: Kings College Maths School, Harris Westminster, St Michael’s School, Highgate School, UCS and Fortismere. The significance of our strategic partnership with Woodhouse College has secured a smooth progression for so many of our students, they are very lucky to move onto such an outstanding learning environment.
Miss Harrison commented: ‘I am simply so proud of what my students have achieved; all their hard work has truly paid off. Each young person, supported by their parents and their wonderful teachers have secured such excellent results. We look forward to following their continued success in their next steps to 6th form and beyond. Such a huge well done.’
Nadia Bardolet-Otake (2 Grade 9s, 6 Grade 8s, 2 Grade 7s)
Nadia: I am so happy (and so relieved). I worked really hard and took every bit of advice I was given. I am looking forward to moving on to Woodhouse in September.
Jessica Tolley: (5 Grade 9s, 2 Grade 8s, Further Maths A**, 1 Grade 7 and 1 Grade 6)
Jessica: I am thrilled with my results and am heading to Kings College London, Maths School to study Maths and Further Maths.
Michael Eker (2 Grade 9s, 6 Grade 8s, 2 Grade 7s)
Michael: I am so happy and delighted with my results! I am so looking forward to my next steps and heading to Woodhouse.
Devi Nadarajeh (3 Grade 9s, 4 Grade 8s, 1 Grade 7 and 2 Grade 6s)
Devi: I am so proud of my results, I worked so hard and it has really paid off. Thank you to all my teachers. I am so looking forward to starting at Woodhouse.