Prina Patel

What have you been doing since you left Archer Academy?

I attended Compton sixth form and completed my A-Levels, and now I have just finished my first year at City University of London where I’m studying International Politics.


How did you get into what you are doing now?          

I picked my A-Levels that worked well with this degree, which Archer helped me out with.


How did Archer help to shape your post-school choices?

Teachers were helping me with my decision of what was the best sixth form/college for me, by helping me prepare for interviews as well as attending sixth form/college visits with me.


What advice would you give a current Archer student about your chosen pathway?

Pick a career path you enjoy doing and you will figure out your future life choices as you go along!


A favourite memory of life at Archer?

The strong friendships and bonds that I have made which will last for years!