John Cory-Wright

What have you been doing since you left Archer Academy?

Currently studying for a Computer Science BSc at University of Sussex, and working with the Text Analysis Group over summer to research automatic identification of hate speech online using machine learning.


How did you get into what you are doing now?          

Having an interest in the real life applications of maths and having a genuine interest for it throughout education and my free time.


How did Archer help to shape your post-school choices?

Archer helped develop a foundational interest into the field I work in today, but also provided myriad opportunities to develop group working skills and to experience more of the creative arts than I would have initially which allowed me to explore more than just the core subjects schools have to offer.


What advice would you give a current Archer student about your chosen pathway?

Plan your A-levels around your degree with math in particular. Working on a personal programming project is also a great way to get to grips with computer science, what you can do with it, and whether or not it’s truly something you’ll enjoy doing in the future.


A favourite memory of life at Archer?

The sheer amount of support and helpful conversations I had with teachers is something that’s hard to forget, it’s difficult to pick one and I don’t think I’d be where I am without the support network my teachers made possible.