Harry Hayward

What have you been doing since you left Archer Academy?

I joined Woodhouse college, where I studied Politics, History and Law and achieved A*AA. I have since joined Sheffield University to study Law and have just completed my first year.


How did you get into what you are doing now?          

I got into studying law by choosing it at A Level, I was always a talkative student who loved to engage in debates and conversation (just ask my former maths teachers!). I initially considered taking a year out and travelling, however my course at university offers a year abroad, where I will hopefully head to Australia!


How did Archer help to shape your post-school choices?

Archer allowed me to discover my potential through my role as head boy. In my early years at Archer I never considered myself to be somewhat of a leader but the support of Mr Mustafa, Miss Harrison and my former form tutor Ms Vandervelde allowed me to realise my people skills. These skills have since let me develop not only in an academic sense but on a broader level in everyday life. What I discovered at the Archer Academy wasn’t just preparation for my GCSEs but preparation in how I carry myself in the future.


What advice would you give a current Archer student about your chosen pathway?

Enjoy the time you currently have, you are surrounded by fantastic teachers and peers who will strive to make you the best possible version of yourself. Believe it or not, a lot of us Archer Alumni look back at our secondary school days with great fondness, it’s still the subject of frequent discussion with my old secondary school friends now!


A favourite memory of life at Archer?

There’s too many to count! I loved our trip to Thorpe Park in year 7, as well as playing in multiple sporting fixtures and events. The Austria ski trip will always be a highlight too! However, my final day at Archer will live long in the memory, not because it marked the end of an era at school, but because it begun a new chapter in my life, where I could use the skills I had learned at Archer.