elsa malazogu

What have you been doing since you left Archer Academy?

Since leaving Archer Academy, I received my extended diploma in Music + Maths and English at ELAM (East London Arts and Music) and I just completed my first year of uiversity at LCCM (London College of Contemporary Music)! I must say I have a life full of music now, which I love. For my career, I’ve been gigging constantly all around London and just started stepping into other cities of England as well as performing in festivals such as the main stage of All Points East Festival! You can check my music out on all streaming platforms 😉 – House of Women


How did you get into what you are doing now?          

Thankfully, I found a career in music through my former music teacher Miss Humphry, who told me about various music colleges to apply to when I was stuck on deciding what I wanted to pursue not knowing music was an option. From then on, I learnt so much about the industry and grew with it. I knew that I wanted to improve on my instrument even further and network with more people which lead me to the choice of going to university. I love studying still and being surrounded by like-minded people.


How did Archer help to shape your post-school choices?

Archer allowed me to explore all my options that I potentially wanted to pursue in the future from Design and Technology to Drama and English (which were the subjects I did as well). This made me realise that I was confident in choosing music as I was fulfilled in understanding what other subjects offered and I was able to make a confident choice. Apart from this, the support I receive from teachers post secondary school is wonderful. Bumping into teachers from time to time and congratulating me on my successes warms my heart.


What advice would you give a current Archer student about your chosen pathway?

For a student who is interested/serious in music, I highly recommend ELAM and Brit. Although I am biased to ELAM, both colleges are great in providing an modern style education of music, learning about your instrument, the industry itself and networking with your classmates for opportunities. I would only recommend this pathway to someone who is all in for music because it’s definitely not an easy career to choose! As fun as it is, you will have to seek opportunity as much as being given them. You are the only one in control to make sure you stand out.


A favourite memory of life at Archer?

My favourite memory from my time at Archer would have to be our school trips. Having that long period of time to hang out with friends – on coach journeys, hotel rooms and completing various activities was so much fun. Sights, experiences and laughter I won’t forget. I have to say as well, the teachers were always lovely and pushed me to do my best at all times which was the support I liked.