Years 9, 10 & 11

Our Year 9, 10 and 11 curricula are deliberately flexible, with a staggered approach to specialisation. This allows students to benefit from a broad range of subjects, whilst beginning to focus more strongly on their academic interests and passions.

We have created detailed curriculum overviews for each year group, which you can access via the links below.

Year 9: Breadth and the beginnings of choice

Archer Academy students begin their GCSE courses for the core subjects of English Language and Literature, Mathematics and Science in Year 9. We believe that studying for these important exams across three years enables our students to develop a greater depth of understanding as well as increasing the likelihood that they will achieve the top grades.

All students also study Computer Science, History, Geography, French or Spanish, PE, and PSHE in Year 9. They are also able to choose three other subjects (two of the creative and performing arts, and one other subject) which they may study just for this year, or take forward into their GCSE curriculum.

Take a look at our Year 9 GCSE Foundation Guide (PDF) to see what choices we offer.

Years 10 and 11: Depth of study and specialisation

From Year 10, our students are offered a wider choice of additional courses from which to build their GCSE portfolio. We work closely with each student to ensure that the choices they are making support their aims and ambitions for Key Stage 5 and beyond.

All students study English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Combined Science, PE and PSHE, and choose a number of further courses from an extensive list. Click on the links below to find out more.

Extended Project

From Year 9 onwards, students work on an Extended Project, which builds on their experience of Thematic Learning in Key Stage 3. The project is completed in a series of stages, culminating in assessment through a range of media.

“Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. There is a strong focus on the development of subject knowledge.” Ofsted, 2019