george giakoumopoulos

What have you been doing since you left Archer Academy?

I have continued studying, going to Woodhouse College and then Imperial College London for Mechanical Engineering, which is where I am now.


How did you get into what you are doing now?          

I liked Physics and Maths, and after doing A levels in both of them, I realised mechanics was a great combination of both. This made me decide to study MechEng.


How did Archer help to shape your post-school choices?

It helped me explore which subjects and parts of subjects I was most interested in, leading to me choosing to study Mechanical Engineering. It also helped me learn good study and revision techniques which I use to this day.


What advice would you give a current Archer student about your chosen pathway?

Make sure to explore all the subjects available to you and pick the ones you enjoy, as you do not have to specialise in secondary school. A close friend of mine and I both did Dance GCSE and agree it was one of the highlights of our time at Archer. Now she is studying Biomedical Sciences at Oxford and I am studying Mechanical Engineering at Imperial, so do subjects you enjoy, not only ones that you think you have to do to get into the degree/career you want.


A favourite memory of life at Archer?

Winning the Barnet Dance competition in Year 8 and Year 9 are probably the two fondest memories of my time at Archer as nothing quite compares to the joy of winning a competition.