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Alumni Insight Talks

Share your knowledge and experiences by delivering a lunchtime talk to Archer students about your pathway after Archer. We organise Alumni Insight talks twice a year, in which Alumni students come into school and give current Archer students an insight into their chosen career path. This helps them consider different options, make choices, and learn about the realities of the workplace.

Please contact [email protected] if this is something you would be keen to help with. We are looking for a wide a range of careers and would love to hear from you whatever your field of work.

Maths Mentoring Programme

We run a mentoring programme between Archer Alumni maths students at Woodhouse College and Year 11 GCSE Archer students. This gives you the opportunity to share your passion for maths and make a difference to younger people. It also develops your confidence and enhances your CV by showing that you can work with and motivate others.

If you would like to be part of this, please contact Sarah Al-Aali, Teacher of Maths at Woodhouse College [email protected]

Support current students with their choices

Can you spare some time to talk to students about making subject choices while at Archer? We are looking for Archer Alumni to come into our Sixth Form Pathways Evening and our Year 8 and Year 9 Choices Evenings to talk to students and parents about the academic journey you took at Archer and beyond. Please email [email protected] if this is something you’d be interested in helping with.

Read with students

We have a team of volunteers who come into the lower school library to listen to students read. If you would like to volunteer to do one-to-one reading with students, please email [email protected] Ideally we are looking for one hour a week but we can be flexible. Please note reading volunteers need to be 18+. This is very rewarding for volunteers and helps our students develop their reading skills and love of literacy.

Help in the school garden

We are always looking for volunteers to help in the lower school garden on an ad hoc basis. No regular commitment or prior experience necessary! If you are interested in helping in the garden, please contact [email protected]


Even if you can’t help this time, please let us know you’d like to help in general by emailing  [email protected]